Monday, May 17, 2010

Air of Change

I feel the air of change blowing all around me. Not bad changes, but significant changes and I really don't handle change well at all.
Maybe it has something to do with my son finishing preschool today, which means only 2 and a half months until he is officially in kindergarten, taking him away from me for 5 days a week. No more playgroups, no more play dates, no more random excursions during the day time, no more lunches with both my little ones. Real school brings about more responsibility, more activities, less free play time, and most of all less simplicity. I have adored, cherished and reveled in simple little childhood days of nothing but play with my first born. I remember hearing about mothers who cried when their children went to kindergarten, and I thought that was silly. I've cried several times about his graduating preschool...who's the silly one now?! I am not ready, and don't think I ever will be ready for these precious carefree days to end. Yes I still have my second born, my 2 and half year old princess that I get to do these things with, but those days with my first born are over. Yes we plan to expand our family at some point by one more precious little one, but those little days with my first born are over. Yes I still have summers, winter break and spring break with him, but he is going to be thrust into a world where I am not in control, and cannot see what he is doing or what's happening to him. Am I the only mother who has ever felt this way? Well perhaps not, but that doesn't make it any easier.
Then there is the tiny little matter of us putting our house on the market this summer. We've never sold a home and the last and only time we've moved was from our one bedroom apartment into this house when I found out I was pregnant with that aforementioned first born child back in July 2004, nearly 6 years ago. Basically all our married life and definitely all our children's lives have been here in this small but cozy home. A home filled with memories and priceless moments I will never forget.
Another little change is it seems a lot of my friends lives are taking on new aspects, making them busier and less available. I've so very much enjoyed these regular random visits with my friends and our children over the past 6 years. I take for granted that I get to see my best friends many times throughout the week. It's such a blessing and one for which I will always be thankful. God has brought such amazing friends into my life over these years and I feel somehow that I won't see them as often now that everyone's lives are getting busier. I don't want to lose touch. I want to remain close with these people that mean so much to me. I don't like such hectic schedules. It doesn't leave time for quality in relationships. I treasure quality and depth in relationships. I fear all these changes will change my relationships that I've worked hard to maintain and build and not having siblings has made these friendships all the more special to me.
I feel Jon's job is going to change...for the better this time (Praise the Lord) but with that kind of change means change for our family. Hopefully this will be a great change and he will get better hours so he will be with us more often and then maybe I won't feel so frightened by all this change!
So if I seem a little down, or emotional, or far away, it's nothing personal, I'm just dealing with change and I don't handle change very well! I know in a year I'll look back and realize we have settled into a new routine of life and new chapter in life and it will be good, maybe even better than this chapter has been. Yes I will hold to that thought, that I will look back and see that all these changes were for the good and the new routines we are about to build will be even better than the first routines our family developed! Change...maybe it's not such a wretched thing after all?!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Learning to ask What not Why

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:8-9

God has been doing some amazing work in my life lately. I am definitely in the middle of one of those amazing times during your walk with the Lord where you can just feel Him, sense Him working and hear Him speaking to your soul in so many ways. My friend and I are leading a womens' Bible study Thursday evenings and the book we are studying couldn't have come at a better time for me personally. I have been brought to tears while preparing study materials more than once, and I am not one who cries easily. The way God spoke to me today sent chills and warmth through my body at the same time. One of our studies coming up will be on dealing with loss and asking God "Why". Last year me and my family went through some major loss in several different areas of life and let me tell you, "Why" was all I asked, almost with every breath I took. I went through a roller coaster of emotions, shock, anger, sadness, despair, hope, thankfulness, and then back to shock. Now I am in the healing period of my life. I can feel God healing the deep wounds the loss left me with and this study was exactly what I needed. There was a section the book we are reading "Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl" that says this..."Trying to come to grips with the fact that God could have prevented my deep grief but didn't is a bit like trying to catch the wind and turn it into something visible. It's an answer we could chase our whole lives and never get. And sometimes this chase simply wears people out. They turn and walk away, whispering,'I tried, God, but You didn't work for me. You hurt my feelings and I dont' want anything to do with you anymore.'...It's understandable really. We are told from an early age that God can do anything and we've read stories about Jesus helping people. But how do we process such beliefs in the face of loss? Whether the loss of an opportunity, the loss of a relationship, the loss of ones health, or the loss of a loved one, the loss of any kind hurts. We too often ask the wrong questions: Why did this happen? Why didn't you stop this God? Why were my prayers not answered? Why? Asking why is perfectly normal. Asking why isn't unspiritual. However if asking this question pushes us farther from God rather than drawing us closer to Him, it is the wrong question...We can't see the full scope of the situation like God can; therefore we must acknowledge that his thoughts are more complete and that he is more capable of accurately discerning what is best in every circumstance. if asking the why question doesn't offer hope, what will? The "what " question. In other words: Now that this has happened what am I supposed to do with it?"

As I was reading this I remembered that Jonathan, my husband, had a note card with something written his mother had written on it that was to this effect and by some miracle (God!) I knew exactly where that note card was! See Jon's mom passed away very suddenly last June. She was only 59 and this sudden loss turned our families world upside down. I was very close to my mother in law and she was a wonderful Godly woman with years worth of Godly Biblical wisdom that she shared with anyone who was in need. I have missed those long conversations about God and His Word. I quickly found the note card with her handwritten words and this is what it read
"We ask God many questions. The right one is "What do you want, God?" "What does God want for this area?" "Don't focus on circumstances, focus on God, what does he want?" I sit here with tears of joy as I write these words. God is still using my mother in law! She may have written this for herself at some point but I know God meant this for me, right here, right now on March 22, 2010, at a time when I would need it most! It's amazing how I am here dealing with losing her, being healed inwardly by the Lord, and yet he still uses the one I am asking "Why" about to help heal my soul! If that doesn't give you "Godbumps" I dont' know what will!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

He Goes Before Me

"The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." Deuteronomy 31:8

Once again as I was preparing for this weeks Bible study God touched my heart deeply. Not thirty minutes had passed since I had been talking to a friend on the phone and one of the topics we discussed was what to do about our children's schooling this upcoming fall. My son, my sweet first born, is headed to kindergarten this fall and I have been in turmoil about where to send him. I know my preferable choice would be the local Christian school a few minutes down the road, but at this present time we don't have the monthly allowance in our budget for tuition. So I have been left with public school or homeschooling. (Unless God chooses to do a financial miracle and make it possible for him to attend that Christian school) I get quite nervous and concerned about the size of the classes at the public school, along with what my son may be exposed to and what kind of teacher he might get. I would so prefer him to go to a school where what we believe and teach here at home is backed up at school and where the class size is much smaller. I have never really felt like homeschooling is my true calling in life, but I have been fearing public school so much that I have made that an option for our family. After talking with my friend (who I hope reads this and understands how completely encouraging she has been through this school situation and I am extremely grateful for her words of advice) I realized that God can and WILL take care of my child no matter where he is, as long as we are following His plan for our family. Then as I sat down to do some Bible Study I found this verse and it was as if God were speaking directly to my soul..."Because the Lord himself goes before me, my family and my son, and will be with us He will never leave us or forsake us. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
God has already gone before us and has taken care of the school situation. I do not have to be afraid I do not have to be discouraged that perhaps my son may have to go to public school for kindergarten. We will take it day by day and if God decides to make a way for our children to attend a Christian school he will clearly provide the means to do so. No matter what, He, our faithful loving Father, has already gone ahead of us and worked things out! Is there something in your life that you are afraid of? God is going before you, working it out! Trust him, don't be afraid or discouraged, our God is faithful to do what He promises!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Making Motives Matter

"I know, my God, that you examine our hearts and rejoice when you find integrity there. You know I have done all this with good motives, and I have watched your people offer their gifts willingly and joyously." 1 Chronicles 29:17

As I was preparing for Bible study this week I came across this verse in First Chronicles. It sent chills down my spine because I was looking for a different verse, dealing with this same thing and yet God led me to this passage! I love "God moments"! During this Bible study we are going through the book called "Becoming More Than A Good Bible Study Girl" by Lysa Terkuerst. So what does a "Good Bible Study Girl" look like? She is someone who reads her Bible daily, gives generously to others, is kind, compassionate, caring, friendly, volunteering her time and energy to the church or good causes, etc and so forth. All of these things are an outward show of right and good things. Here is the key to becoming more than just a good bible study girl...MAKING MOTIVES MATTER! God doesn't care about what we do outwardly, he cares about the motives behind those actions. Are you kind and friendly and giving and volunteering here and there out of you love for God and other people, or because you feel obligated or "it's the good thing to do" or to win praise from people? So many times I have found myself being the "Good Bible Study Girl", doing this and that, running here and there, all in the name of doing what is good and right, while inside I'm less than thrilled because I'm tired or have taken on too much. God wants us to focus on a few things and do them well and completely out of our love for him and other people, not taking on every good thing that comes our way because we feel that is what a good Christian does. Make your motives matter, weigh them out and see if they are pure. As this verse tells us, God rejoices when he finds a heart filled with integrity and pure motives!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"How precious are your thoughts about me, O God. They cannot be numbered! I can't even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up you are still with me!... Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts." Psalm 139:17, 18 & 23

My thoughts have been very anxious lately. I won't go into why because that is not what is important. I just know that I have felt very on edge and anxious for a few weeks now. I know that one of biggest struggles I face daily is worry and being anxious about things that could happen...the what if's of life. I sat down tonight to do a devotion, and came across this passage of Scripture. It brought me comfort and helped ease my worried mind. The God who created this universe thinks about me, little-old-worried- until-I-get-headaches-and-so-anxious-at-times-that-I-can't-sleep, me! WOW! And his word says that his thoughts about me are precious and can't be numbered! When I sit back and really think about that it blows me away. I have a God who loves me and never forgets about me, how could He when he's thinking so many precious thoughts about me:) All my days, all my comings and goings he knows about and he sees to the inner core of me and knows all my ins and outs, ups and downs. Again, WOW! Sometimes when I get "caught up in the moment" of stress and worries, I definitely forget that God is right there with me through it all, that he hasn't slacked on taking care of things or that this situation has slipped under his radar. He's working in it all, working out the best solution that fits the person I am, the woman He created me to be!
I invite you to take a moment and just revel in God's precious thoughts about you. They outnumber any worries and anxieties you might have. While doing so turn any and every anxious thought over to Him and let Him fill you with His amazing peace!
Thank you God for thinking about me so often and in such a loving amazing incomprehensible way!

Monday, February 15, 2010

As the Deer...

"As the deer longs for streams of water, so I long for you O God. I thirst for God, the living God. When can I go and stand before him?" Psalm 42:1 & 2

Does my heart really long for the Lord, really thirst for Him? Does my heart eagerly anticipate the moment when I am able to be in His presence? To be honest I think more often than not my heart is in a state of wanting temporal material things. Things that will wear down, grow old and lose my interest after a short period. There are most definitely times, usually after an amazing time of Bible study or praise and worship or after a particularly uplifting or convicting sermon, that I do long desperately to be closer to the Lord, to know Him on a deeper level. Then I come down off my spiritual high when I get in the car or come home to children fighting over a toy, another bill to pay, a sink full of dirty dishes to wash and hampers brimming over with laundry . Suddenly my heart starts longing for a vacation, more money for this or that, time to myself, and a maid to knock on my door to come to my dirty house's rescue. I think that it's really difficult to long for something you have never actually seen or witnessed, (your eternal home in Heaven). We are finite human beings with limited understanding and a sinful nature. We grow weary, we lose our patience, we long for something more. That's just called being human. I believe we are always in a state of wanting more, wanting better because we were created to long for perfection, Christ and our heavenly home. Since we haven't experienced perfection, we long for what we perceive to be "perfect" in our worldly view. In those moments when we are on a "spiritual high" so to speak, our hearts are turned toward the only fulfilling longing we will ever have, and that is to long to be closer to the Lord. Take time each day to "long for God as the deer longs for streams of water." It's the only longing that will bring complete fulfillment because God will never disappoint when someone truly longs to know Him better and grow closer to Him!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Planted Firmly or Breaking Under the Pressure?

"But since they don't have deep roots, they don't last long. They fall away as soon as they have problems or are persecuted for believing God's word." Matthew 13:21

"Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong." Ephesians 3:17

We just had a major winter storm hit our area this past weekend. There were 12+ inches of snow and ice, on top of the foot of snow we had received the weekend before. The type of snow and ice we got was very heavy and clung to the trees, causing many to fall and break under the burden of the precipitation. This caused a major power outage (some are still waiting for power to be restored, going into day #5). We finally dug our way out yesterday and drove into town for some much needed interaction with other people and time out of the house! On our way there we passed so many trees that had fallen and others that were bowing so low they were touching the ground, sure to break soon. This, as many things do, took on a much deeper spiritual meaning for me. What kind of Christian are you? Are you a Christian who will break under the pressures and burdens that life will bring your way or are your "roots" (your faith and relationship with the Lord) firmly planted so that you can weather the storms of life. These trees that fell this weekend didn't just "hurt themselves" their falling caused some major problems for so many people as they were without heat and water and their food spoiled. This also made me realize that when Christians aren't firmly rooted in the Lord they can bring others down with them when they break under the burdens and pressures. When we throw up our hands and break under the pressure we don't just hurt ourselves. There are many ways in which we can bring others down with us. For instance people are watching you, whether you are aware of it or not. They could be anyone from your children, to your spouse and your family and friends. If someone who knows that you are a Christian and maybe they aren't a Christian or are weak in the faith, sees you give up, walk away from your relationship with God, or break under the stresses what kind of example does that set? If your little child is watching mommy or daddy (which they do all the time) and sees them blow up and yell at one another or at someone else, are they seeing an example of Christ? Just food for thought!
So how do we get our roots stronger and deeper in Christ? We must read God's Word regularly, really study it and be involved in a Bible teaching church, surround ourselves with other Christians who can help us grow and be aware of our reactions to things. It takes lots of daily practice to pattern our behaviors after what is pleasing to the Lord. We will fall, but that does not mean we will be broken. The Lord will strengthen us as we keep on keeping on and over time our spiritual roots will deepen and spiritual maturity will come. Your roots won't be mature and deep overnight, that's not what is vital, what is important is that you are truly desiring this maturity and spiritual strengthening in your life and actively pursuing it!
I long for my roots to get stronger so that the storm won't cause me to break!